
不是兄弟/Pussy Hentai - 24 Herbs | Slowed

This is the slowed version of a soundtrack (No Brothers/Bu Shi Xiong Di) which plays on the H-KLUB radio in the game known as Sleeping Dogs which was produced by 24 Herbs, a Chinese hip hop band - all credits go to 24 Herbs for composing the tracks.

Used Audacity to change the speed of this. (Speed = 0.91)

LYRICS: https://sleepingdogs.fandom.com/es/wiki/No_Brothers_(%E4%B8%8D%E6%98%AF%E5%85%84%E5%BC%9F)_por_24Herbs_%E5%BB%BF%E5%9B%9B%E5%91%B3

Thanks for watching!

Tags. (ignore pls kthx.)

Sleeping Dogs
Sleeping Dogs Sin City
Sleeping Dogs Sin City Song
Sleeping Dogs Chinese Music
Sleeping Dogs 24 Herbs Songs
Bu Shi Xiong Di
Bu Shi Xiong Di 24 Herbs
Sin City 24 Herbs
Chinese Music Slowed
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