
Dog reviews food with sister! Funny reactions #Episode 1 Cute dogs make you laugh & smile!

The latest video in Roxy & Rubys react series! Todays hilarious reactions are to chicken, fruit & veg. Maybe we should show the behind the scenes footage of how hard it was to get them both to sit for so long, and not to jump up and try to eat all the food in one go. They weren't so sure about the food on their plates once they tried the carrots and lettuce, but you'll see that for yourself in the video. They were super confused filming on their little table, and that we had allowed them to eat off plates, which is why Ruby was making such funny facial expressions at the start. If we can teach them how to use cutlery, we'll put that in the next food reaction video. As always, if you like this reaction video, like, subscribe and share with your friends so we can upload more in the future. Also, comment any foods you'd like to see Roxy & Ruby try, and as long as they're safe to try we'll do it! As always thanks for watching and we hope you enjoy! This one is guaranteed to make you all laugh.

Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!):
License code: GMY5QVEUYTHSQ964
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