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Natural Remedies for Dog Arthritis Pain

by tploinfo | Aug 3, 2021 | Dog Health

As your dog gets older, the cartilage on the surfaces of its joints can get thinner, making it more prone to developing arthritis. Knowing what to do and how to prevent the condition can help your dog in the long run. 

Arthritis is common among older and bigger dogs. Canines who suffer from the condition end up with damaged joints that lack the proper cushioning. As a result, your dog’s bones tend to rub directly against each other, which can be uncomfortable and painful. The continuous bone-on-bone friction could lead to the formation of a new bone, making it even more difficult for your dog to move.

Dog arthritis is a progressive disease with no known cure. However, there are natural remedies available that can help your dog manage the disease.

What are the Causes of Dog Arthritis?

Several factors can contribute to your dog’s damaged joints and cartilage. These include:

Age: Older dogs tend to develop arthritis as their joints begin to weaken and wear out.

Injuries: Frequent injuries, such as fractures or ruptured ligaments, can increase a dog’s chance of damaging its joints and cartilage.

Size & Weight: Large, heavy dogs are more prone to arthritis. The added weight puts more pressure and stress on the joints which speed up their deterioration. 

Genetics: Some breeds of dogs are more likely to develop arthritis because of body structure and development. 

What are the Signs that Your Dog Has Arthritis?

If you’re worried that your dog could be suffering from arthritis, here are some signs to look out for:

Stiff or lethargic movement

Difficulty getting up

Sudden weight gain 

Behavioral changes (e.g., irritability)

Loss of energy 

Pain when being touched

If your dog shows these signs, consult your veterinarian as soon as possible so they can provide the proper dog arthritis treatment.

How to Help Your Dog with Arthritis

Arthritis is a progressive disease with no cure so you may be wondering how to help your dog with arthritis at home. Even if your dog has been diagnosed with the condition, there are natural and non-invasive alternatives available to alleviate your dog’s pain and discomfort. 

Maintain a Healthy Weight

Weight plays a big role in maintaining the health of your dog’s joints. If your pooch is overweight, its joints are subjected to more stress which could make the arthritis worse. So maintain a healthy weight to help your dog minimize the unnecessary stress to its joints.

Ensure Proper Nutrition

Avoid processed food that could cause inflammation to the joints and opt for natural whole grains and fruits instead. It also pays to include vegetables rich in nutrients such as antioxidants that help fight against inflammation in your pet’s diet. Fatty oils such as omega-3 fatty acids found in salmon or sardines are also excellent for your dog’s diet. 

Get Active

A dog with arthritis may be reluctant to move, but this doesn’t mean that it shouldn’t get any exercise. Light and moderate exercise such as walking, hide and seek, and swimming are great activities that can help keep your pet’s joints moving.

Make Your Home Pet-friendly

As pet owners, making adjustments to your home can help your dog with its arthritis. This may include providing them with a warm, cushioned place to sleep. It also helps to place your dog’s meals and water bowls in areas where they are easy to reach.

Natural Remedies for Dog Arthritis Pain

Sometimes, the best dog arthritis medicine is natural. Even though it always pays to consult your vet for the most effective treatment, you can also explore natural remedies for dog arthritis pain. We’ve listed a few examples:

Natural Supplements for Dog Arthritis

Below are some natural supplements to help your dog manage arthritis pain: 
and anti-inflammatory properties. These shrubby herbs have long, slender leaves, and they’re available as dried herbs in food stores. The recommended daily dose of comfrey for your pets should be around 0.5-1 teaspoons.
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